

Private High School Education & College Preparation



It's currently the best time to spot the constellation Scorpius in the evening sky, especially during July. Look for the bright stars and the red supergiant Antares. Additionally, you can find the "Cat's Eyes" stars, Shaula and Lesath, and the open star clusters M7 and M6 if you observe the tail of Scorpius using binoculars. If you're interested in stargazing, remember to look for the constellation Ophiuchus on the following day and the W-shaped Cassiopeia and the Great Square of Pegasus in the nights to come.


The upcoming weather forecast is as follows:

- Sunday: Partly cloudy, high 87F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Clear to partly cloudy, low 57F, S winds at 10-15 mph.

- Monday: Mainly sunny, high 91F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 60F, S winds at 5-10 mph.

- Tuesday: Partly cloudy, high 94F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Clear, low 62F, S winds at 5-10 mph.

- Wednesday: Mainly sunny, high 96F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 63F, S winds at 5-10 mph.

- Thursday: Mainly sunny, high 97F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Clear, low 64F, S winds at 5-10 mph.

- Friday: Mainly sunny, high 99F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 65F, S winds at 5-10 mph.

- Saturday: Mainly sunny, high 101F, SW winds at 5-10...


Aurochs, the ancestor of modern cattle, are being rewilded in Europe to preserve biodiversity. The Tauros Programme in the Netherlands selectively breeds the modern descendants of aurochs to graze naturally and maintain open landscapes. Aurochs can have a positive impact on ecosystems, making them a strong candidate for reintroduction. Success in auroch reintroduction depends on various factors, including adapting to the local climate and predators, but the Tauros Programme provides a promising start.


Water clocks were invented to address the limitations of sundials and were used in ancient times for timekeeping. The oldest known example dates back to 1400 BC and was discovered in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III. The Greeks called the device the clepsydra.


July 21: Look for the Moon, Altair, Vega, and Tarazed in the evening.

July 22: Scorpius constellation in the southern sky after dark.

July 23: Look for Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and Perseus after dark.

July 24: Noctilucent clouds in the northwest or north during twilight, waning gibbous Moon rises with Saturn later.

July 25: Look for Rasalhague near the Summer Triangle in the southeast after dark.

July 26: Venus and Mercury in the west after sunset, with Regulus nearby.

July 27: Look for the Sagittarius Teapot in the southern sky.


The weather forecast for the upcoming week is as follows:

Sunday: Sunny, high of 96°F, SSW winds at 5-10 mph. Clear night, low of 63°F, south winds at 5-10 mph.

Monday: Sunny, high of 103°F, SW winds at 5-10 mph. Clear night, low of 67°F, south winds at 5-10 mph.

Tuesday: Sunny, high of 104°F, SW winds at 5-10 mph. Clear night, low around 70°F, south winds at 5-10 mph.

Wednesday: Mainly sunny, high of 102°F, SSW winds at 10-15 mph. Clear night, low of 67°F, south winds at 5-10 mph.

Thursday: Mainly sunny, high around 100°F, SSW winds at 10-15 mph. Clear night, low of 63°F, south winds at 10-15 mph.

Friday: Mainly sunny, high of 92°F, SSW winds at 10-15 mph. Clear night, low around 60°F, south winds at 10-15 mph.

Saturday: Sunny, high of 91°F,...


The weather forecast for the upcoming days:

Sun: Clouds to sun, high 97F, SW winds 10-15 mph

Sun Night: Clear, low 60F, S winds 10-15 mph

Mon: Sunny, high 94F, SSW winds 10-15 mph

Mon Night: Clear, low 59F, S winds 5-10 mph

Tue: Mainly sunny, high 94F, SSW winds 10-15 mph

Tue Night: Clear, low 59F, S winds 5-10 mph

Wed: Sunny, high 95F, SW winds 5-10 mph

Wed Night: Clear, low 61F, S winds 5-10 mph

Thu: Mainly sunny, high 99F, SW winds 5-10 mph

Thu Night: Clear, low 64F, S winds 5-10 mph

Fri: Mainly sunny, high 99F, SW winds 5-10 mph

Fri Night: Mostly clear, low 64F, S winds 5-10 mph

Sat: Mostly sunny, high 100F, SW winds 5-10 mph

Sat Night: Mostly clear, low 65F, S winds 5-10...


Jupiter was a prominent god in ancient Roman religion and mythology, revered as the lord of the sky and thunder. He was the most significant deity during the Republican and Imperial eras. Jupiter was associated with the Capitoline Hill and formed the Capitoline Triad with Juno and Minerva. His sacred tree was the oak, which held significant religious and cultural importance in ancient Rome. The Romans believed they were superior because they had honored Jupiter more than any other people.


On July 13, the first-quarter Moon will make the bright star Spica disappear and reappear across North and Central America. Comet 13P/Olbers is also visible in binoculars during late twilight.

On July 14, there will be a conjunction between Uranus and Mars. On July 15, Uranus will be visible just north of Mars before sunrise. On July 16, the Moon will be low in the southwestern sky after dark. Later in the week, the bright star Arcturus will be visible in the evening sky. On July 18, look for the star Rasalhague. On July 19 and 20, the Moon will be almost full and then completely full. On July 21, the Moon will form a line with the stars Altair and Vega, and the star Tarazed will be...


Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star visible from Earth. It has been revered throughout history and has played a significant role in astronomy, mythology, and occultism. Various ancient cultures associated Sirius with a wolf or a dog, and its movement was observed and celebrated by civilizations like the Sumerians and Babylonians. Sirius is considered a profound source of knowledge and power in various modern secret societies.


On July 7, look for the Moon over Mercury and Venus. On July 8, observe Hercules crossing the zenith. On July 9, spot distinctive stars in upper Scorpius. On July 12, the Moon will move towards Spica, with an occultation the next day. Finally, on July 13, witness the first-quarter Moon occulting Spica.


Here's the weather forecast:

Sunday: Mainly sunny, high around 105°F, low of 63°F.

Monday: Sunny, high near 103°F, low around 62°F.

Tuesday: Mainly sunny, high near 100°F, low around 60°F.

Wednesday: Mainly sunny, high of 102°F, low around 63°F.

Thursday: Mainly sunny, highs near 105°F, low of 66°F.

Friday: Mainly sunny, high around 102°F, low near 64°F.

Saturday: Mainly sunny, high around 100°F, low around 63°F.


Twilight is the period after sunset and before sunrise. It has three types: civil, nautical, and astronomical. Civil twilight starts at 6 degrees below the horizon and allows the visibility of the brightest stars and planets. Nautical twilight is at 12 degrees and allows sailors to take readings. Astronomical twilight occurs at 18 degrees, during which only moderately faint celestial objects can be seen.,urban%20or%20suburban%20light%20pollution.


Another hot week for Lodi is coming up.

Saturday: Sunny, high 97F, SSW winds 5-10 mph. Saturday Night: Mostly clear, low 63F, S winds 5-10 mph. Sunday: Sunny, high 98F, WSW winds 5-10 mph. Sunday Night: Mostly clear, low 66F, S winds 5-10 mph. Monday: Sunny, near 105F, NW winds 5-10 mph. Monday Night: Mostly clear, low 69F, SSW winds 5-10 mph. Tuesday: Sunny, high 108F, NW winds 5-10 mph. Tuesday Night: Mostly clear, low 70F, S winds 5-10 mph. Wednesday: Sunny, high 109F, W winds 5-10 mph. Wednesday Night: Clear, low 68F, S winds 5-10 mph. Thursday: Sunny, high 104F, SW winds 10-15 mph. Thursday Night: Mostly clear, low 64F, S winds 10-15 mph. Friday: Sunny, 103F, SW winds 10-15 mph. Friday Night: Clear, low 63F, S winds 5-10 mph. Saturday: Sunny, high 106F, SW winds 5-10 mph....


Mercury and Venus can be observed low on the west-northwest horizon in the bright twilight on June 30. The waning crescent Moon will pass Mars and Jupiter from July 1-3. On July 5, the largest asteroid, 1 Ceres, will be in binocular range at magnitude 7.3, and Earth is at aphelion on the same day. On July 6, look west-northwest in the twilight to observe a thin crescent moon along with Mercury, Venus, Pollux, and Castor.


Weather for the coming week:

Sunday: Mainly sunny, very warm. High near 95F.

Sunday Night: Clear skies. Low 58F.

Monday: Sunny. High 94F.

Monday Night: Clear skies. Low 56F.

Tuesday: Mainly sunny. High 94F.

Tuesday Night: Mostly clear. Low 58F.

Wednesday: Mainly sunny. High near 95F.

Wednesday Night: Clear. Low 60F.

Thursday: Sunny. High 92F.

Thursday Night: Clear. Low 57F.

Friday: Mainly sunny. High 93F.

Friday Night: Clear. Low 58F.

Saturday: Sunny. High 94F.

Saturday Night: Clear. Low 60F.


Vegetables are various parts of plants that are consumed as food, including leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, roots, and seeds. They have been cultivated from 10,000 to 7,000 BC and are now grown all over the world, with China being the largest producer. The term "vegetable" has a broad definition, and their importance in a healthy diet is widely recognized.


On Sunday, June 23, look west after twilight to find Leo the Lion's brightest star, Regulus. On Monday, June 24, observe orange Antares in the south after dark. Tuesday, June 25, observe Arcturus and Vega overhead after dark. On Wednesday, June 26, watch Saturn and the waning gibbous Moon rise around midnight. On Thursday, June 27, notice star colors in late twilight using binoculars. On Friday, June 28, notice the Summer Triangle and the Milky Way. On Saturday, June 29, observe the Big Dipper in the northwest after nightfall and the Little Dipper near Polaris.


It looks like a great opportunity to observe Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, the Waning Moon, Neptune, and Saturn in...


On Sunday, June 16, look low in the north-northwest for wintry Capella while the Big Dipper hangs in the northwest. On Monday, June 17, locate Theta Centauri using the Moon as a guide. On Tuesday, June 18, observe Vega and Epsilon Lyrae forming a triangle. Wednesday, June 19, witness the waxing gibbous Moon amidst the stars of upper Scorpius. Thursday, June 20, marks the summer solstice. Finally, on Friday, June 21, observe the full Moon above the spout of the Sagittarius Teapot and Jupiter ascending in the bright dawn. On Saturday, June 22, enjoy the Moon just below the Teapot's handle throughout the evening hours.


Lodi's weather forecast for the coming week:

Sunday: Mostly sunny, high near 90°F, WNW winds at 10-15 mph. Clear night, low near 60°F.

Monday: Mainly sunny, high near 85°F, NW winds at 10-20 mph. Clear night, low around 59°F.

Tuesday: Mainly sunny, high around 89°F. Clear night, low near 58°F.

Wednesday: Sunny, high near 94°F. Clear night, low near 59°F.

Thursday: Sunny, high of 98°F. Clear night, low near 62°F.

Friday: Sunny, high of 101°F. Clear night, low near 64°F.

Saturday: Sunny, high of 101°F. Clear night, low near 64°F.


Father's Day was first celebrated in 1910 in Washington State and is now observed on the third Sunday of June in the US. Despite some controversy and commercialization, Father's Day remains an important occasion to honor and appreciate fathers.


Lodi's upcoming weather forecast is as follows:

- Sunday: Partly cloudy skies, high of 89F, and SSW winds at 10-15 mph.

- Monday: Mainly sunny with a high of 97F and WSW winds at 10-15 mph.

- Tuesday: Mostly sunny with a high of around 100F and WSW winds at 10-15 mph.

- Wednesday: Mainly sunny with a high of 97F and WSW winds at 10-15 mph.

- Thursday: Mainly sunny sky with a high of 93F and SW winds at 10-15 mph.

- Friday: Generally sunny with a high of 93F and W winds at 10-15 mph.

- Saturday: Sunny skies with a high of 96F and NW winds at 10-15 mph.


This week's celestial events:

June 9th: Look for the Big Dipper, Vega, and Arcturus.

June 10th: The Big Dipper and Vega will be visible.

June 11th: Find Regulus near the crescent Moon.

June 12th: Look for bright Arcturus overhead.

June 13th: First-quarter Moon near Regulus and Spica.

June 14th: Spot the Summer Triangle in the east after dark.

June 15th: Moon between Spica and Gamma Virginis.


The summer solstice occurs twice yearly and is a significant event celebrated with festivals and rituals around the world. It is the day with the longest period of daylight and the shortest night of the year in one hemisphere. The alignment of ancient monuments with the sunrise or sunset on the summer solstice is fascinating. The tables showing the length of the day in different parts of the world on the summer solstice are helpful in understanding its effects on different regions.


On Sunday, June 2, look for Cassiopeia low in the sky. On Monday, June 3, try spotting the Coma Berenices star cluster. On Tuesday, June 4, look for Vega and the Double-Double star Epsilon Lyrae. On Wednesday, June 5, spot the bright star Arcturus. On Thursday, June 6, the Milky Way rises in the east. On Friday, June 7, the young crescent Moon reappears. On Saturday, June 8, the crescent Moon forms a triangle with the stars Pollux and Castor.


The weather forecast is as follows:

Sunday: Mostly sunny, high of 89F, low of 60F.

Monday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, high of 88F, low of 63F.

Tuesday: Partly cloudy, high of 99F, low of 66F.

Wednesday: Sunny, high near 105F, low around 65F.

Thursday: Mostly sunny, high of 103F, low of 62F.

Friday: Sunshine and some clouds, high near 95F, low near 60F.

Saturday: Mainly sunny, high of 93F, low near 60F.


This summer, the United States is expected to experience unusually high temperatures, potentially ranking amongst the hottest on record. The transition from El Niño to La Niña is a contributing factor to this prediction. Warmer-than-average conditions are expected to cover much of the country, particularly in the Southwest and Plains regions extending into the Midwest, Great Lakes, and Northeast. Conversely, parts of Southern California and Arizona may experience cooler-than-average temperatures, while the West Coast is expected to remain near average or slightly warmer.


The week's weather forecast is as follows:

- Sunday: Mainly sunny, high 83°F, light southwest winds. Clear night, low 51°F, light south winds.

- Monday: Mainly sunny, high 86°F, light southwest winds. Clear night, low 52°F, moderate south winds.

- Tuesday: Sunny, high 87°F, moderate southwest winds. Clear night, low 54°F, moderate south winds.

- Wednesday: Mainly sunny, high around 90°F, light westward winds. Mostly clear night, low 56°F, moderate south winds.

- Thursday: Mostly sunny, high around 93°F, light westward winds. Clear night, low around 55°F, gentle south-southwest winds.

- Friday: Mostly sunny, high 90°F, moderate west-northwest winds. Mostly clear night, low around 55°F, moderate southwest winds.

- Saturday: Mostly sunny, high...


On Sunday, May 26, look east-northeast to see Vega and its constellation Lyra. On Monday, May 27, look for the Coma Berenices star cluster. On Tuesday, May 28, you may see Alpha Centauri. On Wednesday, May 29, the last-quarter Moon will rise late at night. On Thursday, May 30, the Milky Way will start rising in the east late at night. On Friday, May 31, Vega will be the brightest star on the northeastern side of the sky. Finally, on Saturday, June 1, the constellations will seem to twist around fast as they pass your zenith.


Pentecost is a significant Christian holiday commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his apostles. It occurs 49 days after Easter and is observed in various Christian denominations. The term "Pentecost" originates from the Greek word "pentēkostē," meaning "fiftieth," and has its roots in the festival of Shavuot in Judaism. The events of Pentecost are described in the New Testament in the Acts of the Apostles, where the disciples "...were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues..." Acts 2:4. This event is regarded as the fulfillment of Christ's promise to baptize his followers with the Holy Spirit.


Amun was an important deity in ancient Egypt and patron god of Thebes. He was later fused with the Sun god, Ra, becoming Amun-Ra. Amun-Ra was a significant figure in personal holiness and was considered a pre-eminent creator deity. He was also worshipped outside of Egypt, according to ancient Greek historians.


We're in for some great weather this week! We can expect mostly sunny skies with temperatures ranging from 82F to 89F. It's going to be a good time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.


This week's night sky:

Sunday, May 19:

- By midnight, the Moon will be in Virgo, closer to Spica.

Monday, May 20:

- Spica will be on the upper right of the Moon.

- Look for the Arch of Spring in the western sky at late twilight.

Tuesday, May 21:

- Alpha Centauri will be visible in certain latitudes.

Wednesday, May 22:

- The Moon is ½ day before full and will be to the right of the three-star head of Scorpius.

Thursday, May 23:

- The full Moon will occult Antares, a double star.

Friday, May 24:

- Vega is in the east-northeast after dark.

- Altair is the third star of the Summer Triangle.

Saturday, May 25:

- Capella sets low in the northwest not long after dark.

- Look for the...


The Order of the Garter is a British chivalric order founded in 1348 by King Edward III. The order consists of 24 members, including the Sovereign and the Prince of Wales, chosen by the Sovereign to honor those who have contributed to national life, held public office, or served the Sovereign personally. The order's motto is "Shame on him who thinks evil of it," and St. George is the patron saint. New inductees are announced on St. George's Day. Upon his mother's death on 8 September 2022, Prince Charles became the Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.


This week's weather forecast:

Sun: Sunny, 91°F high, winds SSW 10-15 mph. Clear, 55°F low, winds S 10-15 mph.

Mon: Sunny, 91°F high, winds SW 10-15 mph. Mostly clear, 55°F low, winds S 10-15 mph.

Tue: Sunny, 94°F high, winds WSW 10-15 mph. Clear, 57°F low, winds S 10-15 mph.

Wed: Sunny, 93°F high, winds WSW 10-15 mph. Clear, 57°F low, winds S 10-20 mph.

Thu: Mainly sunny, 88°F high, winds SW 10-20 mph. Mostly clear, 55°F low, winds SSW 10-20 mph.

Fri: Some clouds are 81°F high, and the winds SW are 10-15 mph. Few clouds, 54°F low, winds SSW 10-20 mph.

Sat: Partly cloudy, 79°F high, winds SW 10-15 mph. Mostly clear, 53°F low, winds SSW 10-20 mph.


Throughout the week of May 12th, several astronomical events will take place in the United States. Skywatchers in some regions may observe the Northern Lights due to recent coronal mass ejections from the Sun. On May 13th, the Beehive star cluster M44 can be observed with binoculars or a good finderscope. On May 14th, the star Regulus will be visible to the right of the Moon at nightfall. On May 16th, enthusiasts can use Bob King's article, In Search of Ancient Suns, to observe ancient stars. On May 17th, the Moon will occult Beta Virginis for telescope users across most of North America. On May 18th, Corvus, the Crow, will be visible directly under the waxing gibbous Moon. Finally, on May 19th, Spica, Virgo's brightest star, will be visible near the Moon for early evening observers....


This week, there are several noteworthy astronomical events to look out for. You can see the Great Diamond asterism and the Spring Triangle after dusk. The Sombrero Galaxy is located in Corvus and Virgo. The Summer Triangle is starting to appear in the east after twilight fades. You can also spot the Pointers on May 6th and the waxing crescent Moon on May 8th. Finally, Regulus forms the bottom of the Sickle of Leo in the west-southwest.


Hermanubis is a hybrid god worshipped in both Rome and Egypt. He is a combination of Hermes and Anubis, who guides the souls of the deceased from the earthly realm to the afterlife. Hermanubis reflects the merging of Greek and Egyptian religious traditions and is associated with guarding tombs and cemeteries, emphasizing the importance of proper burial in Egyptian funerary beliefs.


Here's a shorter summary of the weather forecast for the upcoming week:

- Sunday: Sunny with highs of 66°F and light winds.

- Monday: Mainly sunny with highs of 72°F and light southwest winds.

- Tuesday: Mainly sunny with highs around 76°F and light northwest winds.

- Wednesday: Sunny with highs of 81°F and northwest winds.

- Thursday: Sunny with highs of 82°F and northwest winds.

- Friday: Mainly sunny with highs of 85°F and northwest winds.

- Saturday: Mainly sunny with highs near 85°F and light west winds.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this week!


Spring is a season of growth, awakening dormant plants and animals. It depends on the angle of Earth's tilt and equinoxes to define it. It is the period between spring equinox and summer solstice. During spring, the hemisphere tilted closer to the sun receives more warmth, resulting in warmer temperatures and increased rainfall. Many animals come out of hibernation, and new life emerges. Spring is celebrated in many cultures, such as Hanami, Passover, Easter, Dita e Verës, and Mayday.


The weather forecast for the coming week:

Sun: Sunny, high 78°F, winds WSW 5-10 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 49°F, winds S 5-10 mph.

Mon: Sunny, high 79°F, winds NW 5-10 mph. Night: Clear, low 53°F, winds WNW 5-10 mph.

Tue: Sunny, high 84°F, winds NW 5-10 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 52°F, winds S 5-10 mph.

Wed: Sunny, high 84°F, winds SSW 10-15 mph. Night: Mostly clear, low 52°F, winds S 10-15 mph.

Thu: Sunny, high 77°F, winds SW 10-15 mph. Night: Mainly clear, low 51°F, winds SSW 10-15 mph.

Fri: Mostly sunny, high 72°F, winds SW 5-10 mph. Night: Clear with some clouds, low 49°F, winds SSW 5-10 mph.

Sat: Partly cloudy, high 72°F, winds SW 5-10 mph. Night: Partly cloudy, low 51°F, winds S 5-10 mph.


During the week of April 28th to May 4th, there are various celestial events worth observing in the night sky. Hydra, carrying Crater and Corvus, is in the southern sky—the Pointers point to Polaris on April 29th. The last-quarter Moon is visible on April 30th, and Sirius is visible at the end of twilight throughout May. The Summer Triangle is becoming visible in the east. Jupiter sets on May 3rd, and the Eta Aquariid meteor shower may be visible in the southern U.S. on May 5th and 6th.


Upcoming weather forecast:

- Sunday: Mostly sunny, high 81°F, light northwest winds. Night: partly cloudy.

- Monday: Partly cloudy, high 83°F. Night: mostly clear.

- Tuesday: Mix of sun and clouds, strong southwest winds, high 72°F.

- Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, high 69°F. Night: possible showers.

- Thursday: Mostly cloudy, high 67°F.

- Friday: Mostly cloudy morning, partly cloudy later, high 66°F.

- Saturday: Partly cloudy, high near 70°F.


The Age of Taurus lasted for approximately 2200 years, from 4400 to 2200 BC. This period saw the emergence of notable architectural projects, such as the Pyramids of Egypt and the walled cities of the Indus Valley. The Old Kingdom of Egypt, from 2700 to 2200 BC, built some of the grandest architectural wonders of the ancient world, including the Giza pyramids and the Great Sphinx. The worship of Apis, the bull-deity, was an essential part of religious practices during the Age of Taurus in Egypt. The emerging influence of Aries at the turn of the second millennium BC marked the end of the Taurian Age. It led to significant transitions in the civilizations of the time.


This week, you can look forward to some great stargazing opportunities. On Sunday, see Pollux, Castor, Procyon, and Capella. On Monday, the Moon passes close to Spica. Tuesday is the Full Moon, and Wednesday brings the Winter Triangle. On Thursday, look for the Sickle of Leo, and on Friday, see the Little Dipper. On Saturday, catch Vega in the northeast. Enjoy!


Draco, the Dragon constellation, winds around Polaris, the current pole star in the northern sky. Thuban, a star in Draco, was the pole star when the pyramids were built. Due to the precession cycle, Thuban will become the pole star again in 20346 CE. Polaris was first called the Pole Star in 1547 and officially named in July 2016. A dark sky is necessary to see the entire shape of the Dragon, and the Big Dipper can help locate Thuban and Draco.


Week's weather:

- Sunday: AM showers, PM clouds. High 62F. Chance of rain 50%.

- Monday: Partly cloudy, high 69F.

- Tuesday: Intervals of sun and clouds, high 71F.

- Wednesday: Sunny, high 71F.

- Thursday: Mostly sunny, high 71F.

- Friday: Mostly sunny, high 72F.

- Saturday: Intervals of sun and clouds, high 75F.

Nighttime temperatures range from 44F to 49F.


This week, you can observe the waxing gibbous Moon near the stars Pollux and Castor in Gemini. Look for Vega rising in the northeast in the evenings. The Sickle of Leo surrounds the bright star. Look for the bright stars Arcturus and Capella in the east and northwest, respectively.


Cloud coverage may affect the total solar eclipse on April 8th. The best viewing conditions are expected in southern Illinois, Kentucky, the East Coast, New York State, New England, West Texas, and southern Arizona. Areas from Missouri to central and east Texas may have less favorable viewing conditions due to cloudy skies and showers/thunderstorms. The weather pattern may affect travel to viewing locations. A storm system may impact travel in the Plains with severe weather, downpours, and tornado threats.

The April 8th total solar eclipse will be an incredible event. During the minutes of totality, Venus and Jupiter will be visible, along with other...


The weather forecast for the coming days is:

- Saturday: mostly sunny, high 62°F, winds S 5-10 mph. Night: mostly cloudy, low 42°F, winds S 5-10 mph.

- Sunday: partly cloudy, high 63°F, winds NW 5-10 mph. Night: Clear, low 43°F, winds NW 5-10 mph.

Monday: Sunny, high 72°F, winds NNW 10-20 mph. Night: Clear, low 46°F, winds NNW 10-15 mph.

- Tuesday: mostly sunny, high 75°F, light variable winds. Night: clear, low 48°F, light variable winds.

- Wednesday: partly cloudy, high 80°F, light variable winds. Night: mainly clear, low 52°F, light variable winds.

Thursday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, high 83°F, winds WNW 5-10 mph. Night: Few clouds, low 53°F, winds S 5-10 mph.

- Friday: mostly sunny, high near 80°F, winds SSW 5-10 mph. Night: Partly...


This week, you can see various stars and constellations in the evening sky. On Sunday, look for the Three Springs of the Gazelle. On Monday, there will be a new moon and solar eclipse. Orion will still be visible in the southwest after sunset. On Tuesday, you can see the Little Dipper. Vega will rise in the northeast most evenings. On Wednesday, the Moon will appear as a thin crescent near Jupiter. On Thursday, the Moon will be over the Pleiades. On Friday, Beta Tauri will be above the crescent Moon. Finally, on Saturday, Arcturus will be visible in the east.


The weather forecast for the coming week:

Sunday: Cloudy with partial clearing later. High 64F.

Monday: Sunny with a high of 73F.

Tuesday: Sunny with a high of 76F.

Wednesday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a high of 76F.

Thursday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a high of 69F.

Friday: There will be intervals of clouds and sunshine, with a high of 65F. The chance of rain is 40% at night.

Saturday: Rain early, sun later. High 63F. 40% chance rain.

Overall, the week will see temperatures ranging from 45F to 76F. Winds will be light and variable, except for Thursday, when they'll be from the W at 10 to 20 mph.


Here are some stargazing tips for this week. On March 31, look towards south-southwest to spot Sirius and three stars forming Canis Major. On April 1, you can still see the Winter Hexagon early after dark. April 2, the Little Dipper is visible to the right of Polaris. On April 3, Castor and Pollux will be shining together west of the zenith after dark. On April 4, you can spot Capella in the west-northwest after dusk. April 5, Arcturus is visible just after nightfall. Lastly, on April 7, high above the Big Dipper, you can see three pairs of dim naked-eye stars that mark the Great Bear's feet.


Greetings and Happy Easter! This special occasion symbolizes the return of the spring sun, which brings new life to the earth. The concept of the sun's rebirth and its light triumphing over darkness dates back to ancient times, predating Christianity. For instance, in Sumeria, this idea was conveyed in the story of "The Descent of Inanna." In Europe, people celebrated the "Goddess of Spring," Ostara, on March 21st, during the spring equinox, which marked the point when the days became longer than the nights. The resurrection of the sun was a central theme of the Ostara holiday. Many Easter traditions are not exclusive to Christianity and have pre-Christian origins. Some examples include hot cross buns, eggs, and bunnies. For more information, please visit...


The tradition of giving birthday gifts has a rich history spanning many civilizations. During the medieval period, birthday celebrations were simpler, while the Renaissance marked a period of cultural and intellectual growth. In the modern age, commercial influences have led to the widespread exchange of birthday cards and traditional gifts, but sustainable and eco-friendly gifts are gaining popularity. Gift-giving remains a deeply human expression that reflects our desire to celebrate an individual's special day.


Upcoming week's weather forecast:

Sun: Cloudy, high 63°F, NW winds 5-10 mph. Night: Partly cloudy, low 44°F.

Mon: Mostly cloudy, high 62°F. Night: Mix of clouds, low 46°F.

Tue: Mainly cloudy, high 66°F. Night: 50% chance of rain, overcast, low near 50°F.

Wed: Cloudy, 50% chance of showers, high 64°F. Night: Showers in the evening, partly cloudy overnight, low 44°F.

Thu: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, high 64°F. Night: Partly cloudy in the evening, followed by cloudy skies overnight, low 46°F.

Fri: Cloudy with occasional showers, high 61°F. Night: Cloudy with occasional rain showers, low 48°F.

Sat: Cloudy with occasional rain showers, high 59°F. Night: Cloudy with occasional rain showers, low around 45°F.


Today is Sunday, March 24th. Mercury can be seen below Jupiter at twilight. The Full Moon will rise with a penumbral eclipse. On Monday, March 25th, the bright Winter Hexagon can be seen early after dark. On Tuesday, March 26th, the Moon will shine near Spica. Castor and Pollux will shine almost overhead on Wednesday, March 27th. Venus can be spotted on Thursday, March 28th, and Mercury on Friday, March 29th. Finally, on Saturday, March 30th, Comet Pons-Brooks can be seen low in the west after dark.


On March 19th, Nowruz, the Persian New Year, is celebrated, which is also the spring equinox and the first day of the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar. This holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years and has roots in Zoroastrianism. Nowruz lasts for 13 days and includes the tradition of releasing greenery on running water.


The sun and a few clouds with highs around 73F and light winds are expected on Sunday. Monday will be mostly sunny and warm, with highs near 75F. Tuesday will be mainly sunny with some clouds in the afternoon. Wednesday will be partly cloudy with warm weather. Thursday will be partly cloudy, and Friday will have partly cloudy skies. There will be occasional rain showers on Friday night and Saturday, which will be overcast with rain showers at times. Saturday night, we may see a few showers developing later on.


This week, the night sky offers some interesting sights. The Moon is approaching Castor and Pollux, and you can see Orion and Arcturus, the Spring Star, which can be seen in the east-northeast. On March 19th, we will have an equinox, and on March 22nd, Arcturus will be visible, rising above the horizon. Lastly, Cassiopeia can be spotted on March 23rd.


2024 will offer skywatchers two central solar eclipses, including a much-anticipated total eclipse that will span the United States from Texas to New England. While no lunar eclipses will be particularly noticeable in 2024, the year will see a total solar eclipse in April and an annular solar eclipse in October. Eclipses occur when the Moon crosses Earth's orbit very close to the time of the new or full Moon. The lunar orbit is tipped about 5 degrees to Earth's orbital plane, so the Sun, Earth, and Moon only line up exactly for an eclipse to occur occasionally.


The week's forecast: Sunday is cloudy with occasional rain, high 61F. Sunday night is steady rain with showers late, low 46F. Monday is mostly cloudy, with a high of 63 degrees F. Tuesday is a rainy morning and cloudy afternoon, with a high of 62F. Wednesday is sunny and windy, with a high of 69F. Thursday is sunny, high 74F. Friday is sunny, high 78F. Saturday is sunny, high 78F.


Daylight Saving Time starts on March 10th in most of North America. The Cancer constellation is visible in March and April, and the Beehive Star Cluster M44 can be seen in its center. Pollux and Castor are visible on March 11th. The crescent moon will appear near Jupiter on March 12th and near the Pleiades on March 13th. The Big Dipper is visible on March 15th, and March 16th marks the first quarter moon.


The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa in Alexandria exemplify cultural fusion during the Roman period. Discovered in 1900, these catacombs blend Egyptian, Greek, and Roman architectural elements. They were likely used as a burial site spanning the Roman, Hellenistic, and early Christian eras. The art style is different from what is seen in the Egyptian pyramids and temples. The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa provide a glimpse into an ancient cosmopolitan city's interplay of art, architecture, and religious beliefs.


Upcoming weather: Sunday - overcast with occasional rain showers, high of 54F. Monday - partly cloudy, high of 58F. Tuesday - partly cloudy, high of 60F, 40% chance of rain at night. Wednesday and Thursday - 50% chance of rain, high of 61F. Friday - sunny, high of 63F, 40% chance of rain at night. Saturday - cloudy with occasional rain showers, high of 62F.


This week, stargazers can observe the constellation Leo in the eastern sky after dusk. On March 4th, the Big Dipper rises high in the northeast, and Cassiopeia descends in the northwest. Mars and Venus can be seen low in dawn on March 7th and 8th. Sirius can be seen due south on the meridian as twilight fades into night. Algol shines at its minimum brightness on March 9th. Lastly, please remember that daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning for most of North America.


The Cardinal spirit animal is a symbol of adventure and personal transformation. It represents strong self-confidence, physical and mental alertness, adaptability, and loyalty. The Cardinal's red color symbolizes passion, enthusiasm, and strength in a person's heart. It encourages us to explore new directions in our lives and take risks to grow as individuals. The Cardinal is a reminder to assert ourselves and take action in our lives. It teaches us to be grounded in what matters most and to stand up for our beliefs. The Cardinal symbolizes vitality and encourages us to express our enthusiasm and make it contagious to those around us. When the Cardinal appears in our dreams, it is a positive and beneficial sign that helps us understand important aspects of our waking life....


Here's the weather forecast for the upcoming week:

- Sunday: Partly cloudy, high of 68°F, 60% chance of rain at night.

- Monday: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers, high of 62°F.

- Tuesday: Sunshine with some cloudy intervals, high around 60°F.

- Wednesday: Mostly sunny skies, high of 62°F.

- Thursday: Partly cloudy, high of 63°F, 60% chance of rain at night.

- Friday: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers, high of 61°F.

- Saturday: Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers, high of 57°F, 40% chance of rain at night.


Sirius will be at the bottom of the equilateral Winter Triangle on Sunday, February 25. Monday, February 26, was a great time to spot Sirius B, the famous white dwarf. Tuesday, February 27, was a fine week to look for the zodiacal light. On Wednesday, February 28, five constellations of carnivores rose in a row from the northeast to the south. On Thursday, February 29, big, dim Camelopardalis, the Giraffe, sprawled high in the northern sky. On Friday, March 1, examine the spot 4° south of Sirius to find the open star cluster M41. On Saturday, March 2, the last-quarter Moon rose close to Antares.


The Age of Pisces lasted from around 100 BC to 2100 AD, during which the Sun was in the constellation of Pisces on the spring equinox. This age corresponds to the Water element, known for its compassion, intuition, and sensitivity, which are more pronounced than in the previous two ages. Pisces is also associated with selflessness and imagination, but can also lead to idealism, oversensitivity, laziness, and pessimism.

During this age, we witnessed the expansion of monastic traditions in both Buddhism and Christianity, which led to the emergence of the Renaissance civilization. The Age of Pisces also saw religions becoming more global, driven by the advent of books and advancements in transportation.

Religious wars and conflicts were also prevalent during this age, as the...


Weather forecast for the coming week:

- Sunday: Partly cloudy, afternoon showers. High 66F. Chance of rain 60%.

- Sunday night: periods of heavy rain. Low 54F. Chance of rain 100%.

- Monday: variable clouds, scattered thunderstorms. High 61F. Chance of rain 80%.

- Tuesday: steady light rain early, showers in the afternoon. High 59F. Chance of rain 80%.

- Wednesday: cloudy with showers. High 61F. Chance of rain 50%.

- Thursday: mostly cloudy skies early, partly cloudy later. High 62F.

- Friday: partly cloudy. High 62F.

- Saturday: showers early, partly cloudy later. High 62F. Chance of rain 40%.


This week, there are some interesting things you can observe in the night sky. Canopus, which is the second-brightest star after Sirius, may be visible if you're below latitude 37° N and have a very flat south horizon. Algol should be at minimum light for about two hours centered on 8:21 p.m. EST. On Tuesday evening, the waxing gibbous Moon will shine close to Pollux. On Wednesday evening, the Big Dipper will be high in the northeast while Cassiopeia will be low in the northwest. Venus and Mars will be in conjunction on Thursday morning. The full Moon will be visible on Friday night. Lastly, you may want to try spotting Sirius B, the famous white dwarf, with a telescope and a homemade occulting bar....


The Chinese Lunar New Year 2024 falls on February 10th, beginning the Year of the Dragon. Millions of people celebrate this occasion, including over a billion in China. The fifteen-day festival features dance parades, ceremonies, and lantern festivals. People pay tribute to their ancestors and deities. Families reunite to share traditional feasts and exchange gifts.


To summarize, the weather forecast for this week is mostly cloudy with some chances of rain. Sunday starts cloudy, then partly cloudy, with a high of 58F. Monday is mostly cloudy with a high of 61F. Tuesday is mixed with sun and clouds with a high of 62F. Wednesday is partly cloudy, with a high of 64F. Thursday is cloudy but clears up later with a high of 64F. Friday has increasing clouds with possible rain in the afternoon and a high of 64F. Saturday is overcast, with rain showers at times and a high of 62F.


This week, there are interesting celestial events to observe. On Sunday, February 11, look for Luyten's Star. On Monday, February 12, you can observe Orion in the south. On Tuesday, February 13, look for the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia. On Wednesday, February 14, you can observe the Moon and Jupiter. On Thursday, February 15, observe the Moon, the Pleiades, and Aldebaran forming a triangle. On Friday, February 16, there's a first-quarter Moon and the Pleiades. Finally, on Saturday, February 17, look for the W of Cassiopeia and Alpha Persei.


The Age of Aquarius is a concept in astrology that refers to the current or upcoming astrological age. It lasts for 2,160 years and is linked to cultural and societal changes. It follows the Age of Pisces and is associated with advancements in technology, democracy, freedom, idealism, and humanity. It arrived in the 20th century and is characterized by the rise of scientific rationalism, the decline of religious influence, emphasis on human rights, and technological growth.


Here's the weather forecast for this week:

- Sunday: Heavy rain, high around 50F, 90% chance of rain, around 1 inch of rainfall.

- Sunday Night: Likely rain, low 48F, 80% chance of rain, around 0.5 inch of rainfall.

- Monday: Rain likely, high near 55F, 70% chance of rain, around 0.25 inch of rainfall.

- Tuesday: Cloudy with showers, high 56F, 50% chance of rain.

- Wednesday: Cloudy with a few showers later in the day, high 56F, 30% chance of rain.

- Thursday: Overcast with rain showers, high around 55F, 50% chance of rain.

- Friday: Rain showers early with some sunshine later, high 56F, 40% chance of rain.

- Saturday: Partly cloudy skies, high 58F.


This week, you can observe some celestial events in the evenings. On Friday, February 2nd, Jupiter will be moving eastward. The last-quarter Moon and Sirius the Dog Star will be visible on Saturday, February 3rd. On Sunday, February 4th, it's Imbolc. On Monday, February 5th, you can observe Capella. Orion and Gemini will be visible on Tuesday, February 6th. Finally, on Wednesday, February 7th, Venus and the very thin waning Moon will be visible before dawn.


Astrological ages are believed to relate to significant changes in Earth's inhabitants, divided into twelve ages based on Western astrology's zodiac signs. Each cycle of twelve ages, known as a Great Year, lasts 25,772 years. Western zodiac signs have three perspectives on astrological ages: Archeoastronomers, Astrologers, and the Pop-culture concept of the Age of Aquarius. However, there are controversies about the exact dates of the ages, and most details are disputed. We are believed to be entering the age of Aquarius.


The weather forecast for this week is as follows:

Sat: Cloudy, high 63F, low 49F

Sun: Mostly cloudy, high 68F, low 48F

Mon: Mainly cloudy, high 68F, low 51F

Tue: Cloudy, high 67F, low 54F with evening rain

Wed: Periods of rain, high 59F, low 52F

Thu: Considerable cloudiness with showers, high 58F, low 47F

Fri: Partly cloudy, high 56F, low 44F with possible early showers

Sat: Considerable cloudiness with occasional showers, high 54F, low 44F with evening rain.


This week, the night sky offers the Winter Hexagon, the Great Square of Pegasus, Algol's minimum light, Orion and Gemini, Betelgeuse, and Aldebaran's colors, the waning Moon near Spica, Jupiter's eastward movement, and Sirius, the Dog Star.


Aquarius, also known as Hydrokhóos, is the eleventh astrological sign in the zodiac, and it originates from the constellation Aquarius. According to the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the Aquarius sign between January 20 and February 18. One interesting myth surrounding Aquarius is that the constellation's water carrier represents Ganymede, a beautiful Phrygian youth. Ganymede was the son of Tros, the king of Troy, and he caught the eye of Zeus while tending to his father's flocks on Mount Ida. Zeus fell in love with Ganymede and took him away to the heavens, where he served as the cupbearer to the gods. Orpheus beautifully sings this tale in Ovid's Metamorphoses.


The weather forecast for the next week is as follows:

- Saturday: Rain, high of 59F, winds SSE 10-20 mph. Chance of rain 80%, rainfall around a quarter of an inch.

- Saturday night: Light rain, low of 53F, winds SSE 5-10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.

- Sunday: Showers early, steady rain later, high of 57F, winds SSE 10-20 mph. Chance of rain 80%, rainfall around a quarter of an inch.

- Sunday night: Cloudy with rain, low around 55F, winds SSE 10-20 mph. Chance of rain 90%, rainfall around half an inch.

- Monday: Cloudy with rain, high near 60F, winds SSE 10-15 mph. Chance of rain 80%, rainfall around a quarter of an inch.

- Monday night: Rain showers early, overcast skies late, low of 53F, winds SSE 5-10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

- Tuesday: Few...


Some interesting astronomical events are happening this week. On Sunday, the gibbous Moon will be between Aldebaran and Capella. Later that evening, Jupiter's Moon, Io, will cross onto Jupiter's face, followed by its shadow. On Monday, the Moon will be in a starry area of the winter sky. On Tuesday, the Northern Cross in Cygnus will be nearly upright in the west-northwest right after dusk. On Thursday, the Full Moon will form a line with Procyon and Sirius. On Friday, the equilateral Winter Triangle will be visible in the southeast, and Mercury and Mars will have a difficult conjunction just above the southeast horizon at dawn. Finally, on Saturday, the Winter Hexagon will fill the sky toward the east and south....


The Veerbhadra Temple in Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh, India, is home to a unique architectural marvel - a pillar that seems to defy gravity. This floating pillar has captured the attention of historians and architects alike, sparking theories about its construction and purpose. Despite the many ideas put forward, the origins of this levitating pillar remain shrouded in mystery, leaving visitors and researchers alike in awe. Local legends only add to the intrigue, proposing that the pillar was constructed by divine beings or showcasing the imperfections of architectural excellence. Regardless of its origins, the Veerbhadra Temple and its floating pillar continue attracting visitors worldwide, offering a glimpse into the wonders of ancient India....


Here's the weather forecast for the upcoming week:

- Sunday: Mostly cloudy to partly cloudy, high 58F.

- Monday: Cloudy to partly cloudy, high 56F.

- Tuesday: Cloudy, high 56F.

- Wednesday: Rain showers and cloudy, high 57F.

- Thursday: Mainly cloudy, high 61F.

- Friday: Mainly cloudy, high 62F.

- Saturday: Overcast with rain showers, high 62F.

There will be occasional rain showers, and the chance of rain will be 60% on Tuesday, Wednesday night, and Friday night and 50% on Saturday night.


In the night sky, two sets of stars can be seen: the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper. The Little Dipper is located straight down from Polaris, while the Big Dipper is low in the north-northeast. In the evenings of January, the Gemini twins can also be seen on their sides to the left of Orion. Luyten's Star, which is a red dwarf, can be easily viewed using small telescopes. The big Northern Cross in Cygnus is visible in the west-northwest after complete darkness falls, and Sirius can be seen in the southeast after dinner. Capella, the Goat Star, and a small group of stars known as "The Kids" can be seen after dark in the east.


The Feast of Epiphany, also known as Three Kings’ Day, is celebrated on January 6th in Western Christianity to commemorate the visit of the Magi, wise men or kings from the East, to the baby Jesus. The Magi are celebrated particularly in Spain and Latin American countries, marked by parades, meals, and gift-giving, similar to how Christmas is celebrated in other parts of the world. The image of three wise men from the East bringing precious gifts and paying homage to the child Jesus is linked inextricably with today’s Nativity scenes. However, the Magi’s visit story is not found in all four canonical Gospels. Apart from the Gospel, according to Matthew, the other three Gospels say nothing about these magi. So, who are the Magi, or Three Kings, who visited the infant Jesus?...


In March and April 2024, there will be several astronomical events that people can observe. On March 25th, there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse visible across North America, South America, western Europe, western Africa, Japan, New Zealand, and part of Australia. On April 8th, North America will experience a total solar eclipse, while the rest of the continent will observe a partial solar eclipse. People in the Northern Hemisphere may see two meteor showers in April and May, while those in the Southern Hemisphere will have the chance to see the best meteor shower of the year. Additionally, on June 29th, early morning risers will be able to see the moon align with Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. In August, the Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak, and on August 19th, there will be a...


Here is the weather forecast for the upcoming week:

- Sunday: Mostly sunny, high 54F, NNW winds 10-15 mph.

- Sunday night: Clear to partly cloudy, low 32F, NNW winds 5-10 mph.

- Monday: Mix of sunshine and clouds, high 53F, light and variable winds.

- Tuesday: Overcast, high 53F, SSE winds 5-10 mph.

- Wednesday: Mix of sunshine and clouds, high around 55F, WSW winds 5-10 mph.

- Thursday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, high 53F, SSE winds 5-10 mph.

- Friday: Rain showers early, some sunshine later, high 54F, SW winds 5-10 mph.

- Saturday: Mix of sunshine and clouds, high 53F, NNW winds 5-10 mph.

Note: Sunday will be the sunniest day with mostly sunny skies. Wednesday night may have showers early with partly cloudy...


There are some interesting celestial events happening this week. For instance, the moonless evenings this week are perfect for exploring telescopic sights in Eridanus west of Orion. On Monday morning, the waning crescent Moon will occult 1st-magnitude Antares low in the southeast during darkness or dawn for the western U.S. and Canada. Also, try tracing out the winter Milky Way arching across the sky in the early evening, extending up from the west-northwest horizon along the vertical Northern Cross of Cygnus and on down toward the east-southeast horizon between Procyon and Sirius. On Tuesday after dinnertime, the enormous Andromeda-Pegasus complex runs from near the zenith down toward the western horizon. The rest of the week offers opportunities to observe Vega, Orion, and the Big...


New Year's Day is observed on 1 January, the first day of the Gregorian calendar year. It is celebrated by people worldwide and is often marked with church services, parades, parties, sporting events, and fireworks. The day was originally dedicated to Janus, the god of gateways and beginnings, in pre-Christian Rome. Different cultures celebrate the new year at various times throughout the year, depending on their lunar or lunisolar calendar. The day is also associated with making New Year's resolutions and calling one's friends and family. Babies born on New Year's Day are often called New Year babies and are celebrated in some hospitals with prizes donated by local businesses. The Eastern Orthodox Church, Anglican Church, and Lutheran Church celebrate the Feast of the Circumcision of...


The weather forecast for the next week is as follows:

Sunday will be cloudy with a high of 56F and light variable winds. The night will start with overcast skies followed by partial clearing. The low temperature will be 42F.

Monday will have partly cloudy skies throughout the day. The high temperature will be around 60F, and the winds will be light and variable. At night, the sky will be clear with a few passing clouds. The low temperature will be around 40F.

On Tuesday, there will be occasional rain showers, and the skies will be cloudy. The high temperature will be around 52F, and the winds will be light and variable. There is a 50% chance of rain. At night, the skies will be overcast, with rain showers at times. The low temperature will be near 45F, and the winds...


A few interesting astronomical events are happening in the next few days. On Sunday, December 31st, after the New Year's celebrations, you can step outside and see the waning gibbous Moon and the Sickle of Leo floating above it. Sirius, the bottom star of the Winter Triangle, will be shining in the south. On Monday, January 1st, you can trace out the winter Milky Way if your sky is reasonably dark. On Tuesday, January 2nd, you can see the Andromeda-Pegasus complex in the sky after dinnertime. On Wednesday, January 3rd, you can observe the Quadrantid meteor shower. On Thursday, January 4th, Orion will be visible in the east-southeast after dinnertime. On Friday, January 5th, Sirius will rise around the end of twilight. Finally, on Saturday, January 6th, there will be a lot of activity...


The Christmas reindeer has become a beloved symbol of the holiday season, but few know its true history. Reindeer are native to Northern Europe and Asia, and the Sami and Nenet indigenous groups rely heavily on them for food. In the mid-1800s, reindeer were transported to Alaska to help the Inuit people who were starving due to the commercial hunting of their main food source. Carl Lomen marketed reindeer for their fur and meat, and his partnership with Macy's in 1926 sparked a national passion for Santa and his reindeer. The tale of reindeer guiding Santa on his sleigh first appeared in children's literature in 1821, and the famous poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" by Clement Clarke Moore is credited with first telling the tale of Santa being pulled on his sleigh by eight...


Welcome to our holiday celebration! Let's take a moment to learn about the history of this special day. The origins of Christmas can be traced back to the 4th century, when the birth of Jesus Christ was first associated with December 25th. This date was chosen due to early Roman traditions and other European festivals that celebrated the end of the harvest and the winter solstice.

Many customs from these celebrations have endured, such as decorating homes with greenery, giving gifts, singing songs, and enjoying special foods. The holiday continued to develop with the legend of St. Nicholas, a bishop from Asia Minor who lived in the 4th century. Although many of the miracles attributed to him are unconfirmed, he is considered the patron saint of children, sailors, and the poor....


Capricorn, also known as the "horned goats," is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac and is associated with the constellation of Capricornus. According to the tropical zodiac, it falls between December 22 and January 24. Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus are all earth signs, and Capricorn is one of the four cardinal signs. It is also a negative sign. Saturn and Aquarius rule Capricorn.

In India, Capricorn is celebrated as the Makara Sankranti festival, also called Maghe Sankranti in Nepal. This festival is celebrated on either January 14 or 15 each year, according to the Indian astronomical calendar, which does not follow the Western Gregorian or Julian date-keeping system. The Sun enters the Capricorn sign during this festival....


Sunday will have intervals of clouds and sunshine with a high of 58F and light and variable winds. Sunday night will be partly cloudy early on and become overcast later with a low of 39F and light and variable winds. On Monday, we can expect mainly cloudy skies with a high of 58F and light and variable winds. Monday night will have considerable cloudiness with a low of 39F and light and variable winds. Tuesday will be cloudy with a high of 57F and light and variable winds, followed by considerable cloudiness at night with a low of around 40F and light and variable winds. Wednesday will have occasional rain showers, with a high of 59F and, winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph, and a 60% chance of rain. Wednesday night will be cloudy with showers, with a low of 46F, winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph, and a...


On December 24th, the Moon will be two days from full and will be located to the lower left of the Pleiades. It will form a nearly isosceles triangle with the Pleiades above and Aldebaran below. Around 11 p.m., the Moon will be as close to the zenith as it will ever be, and your Moon shadow will be as short as you'll ever see it. On December 25th, the Moon will form a wide, shallow triangle with Capella to its left or upper left and Aldebaran to its right or upper right. On December 26th, it will be a Full Moon and will form a deeper triangle with Capella and Aldebaran. On December 29th, M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, will pass your zenith soon after dark. Lastly, on December 30th, the brightest asteroid in the sky, 4 Vesta, will be just past opposition and creeping toward Zeta Tauri....


On Sunday, December 17, you can spot Saturn about 3° upper right of the Moon. Algol dips to its minimum brightness on the same day, while Orion shines in the east-southeast on Monday, December 18. Tuesday, December 19, marks the first-quarter Moon, and Wednesday, December 20, the Moon is approaching Jupiter night by night. On Thursday, December 21, Jupiter is only about 7° left of the Moon in the early evening, and on Friday, December 22, the Moon has passed Jupiter. On Saturday, December 23, the waxing gibbous Moon is about 4° or 5° to the right of the Pleiades in the early evening. Finally, on Sunday, December 24, the bright gibbous Moon has jumped to the lower left (east) of the Pleiades in the early evening. Merry Christmas!...


According to the weather forecast, Sunday will begin with showers and will gradually turn into a steady rain later in the day. The temperature will reach a high of 59F, with light and variable winds. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. Sunday night, it is expected to rain with a 90% chance of rain and a low of 49F. Rainfall is expected to be around half an inch. On Monday, the weather will be cloudy with periods of rain. The temperature will be about 61F, with winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. The chance of precipitation is 90%, and rainfall is expected to be around a quarter of an inch. Monday night, it will be cloudy with periods of rain and a chance of precipitation of 80%. The temperature will be around 52F. Tuesday will begin with rain showers in the morning, with a chance of rain...


The winter solstice is an important time of the year marked by ancient cultures worldwide. Sophisticated megalithic monuments built by these cultures accurately recorded this alignment and can still be witnessed in temples today. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the annual cycle, and it is a turning point of the year. It is celebrated with festivities, celebrations, fire ceremonies, and dances, signaling the beginning of a new cycle. Seven remarkable ancient sites aligned to the winter solstice are listed in this article, including Karahan Tepe in Turkey, Gavrinis in France, Mnajdra and Ħaġar Qim Temples in Malta, Newgrange in Ireland, Stonehenge in the UK, Karnak in Egypt, and Chaco Canyon in the US....


Christmas elves are magical creatures that live with Santa Claus at the North Pole and assist him in various tasks, such as making toys in his workshop and caring for his reindeer. They are often depicted as green- or red-clad with pointy ears and hats, and have been a part of Christmas folklore for a long time. The origins of the elf can be traced back to Norse mythology and other European Christmas traditions. Recently, Christmas elves have been popularized in movies and TV shows, often portrayed by little actors or through computer-generated imagery. Despite their diminutive size, Christmas elves are essential helpers to Santa Claus and are loved by children worldwide.


The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals observed by modern pagans, marking the year's chief solar events and the midpoints between them. British neopagans crafted it in the mid-20th century by combining the four solar events marked by many European peoples with the four seasonal festivals celebrated by Insular Celtic peoples. Different paths of modern paganism may vary regarding the precise timing of each celebration based on such distinctions as the lunar phase and geographic hemisphere. The festivals are steeped in solar mythology and symbolism, and many Wiccan esbats are commonly found on lunar cycles. Together, they represent the most common celebrations in Wiccan-influenced forms of modern paganism, especially in Neopagan witchcraft groups....


Are you ready for the annual Geminid meteor shower? This year's shower is expected to be the most spectacular of the year, with up to 120 meteors visible per hour under ideal circumstances. The best time to catch the shower's peak is on the night of December 13-14, when the radiant stands highest in the pre-dawn hours. Try to view the shower from a rural location to make the most of the opportunity. And remember to bring warm clothing, insulated boots, a reclining lawn chair, a wool blanket, and a hot drink nearby. Happy meteor watching!


Hey there, here's your weather forecast for the upcoming days. On Sunday, the skies will be cloudy, with a high of around 60F and light and variable winds. Sunday night will have a few clouds with a low of 36F and light and variable winds. Monday will start with a few clouds in the morning, and then it will be mostly sunny with a high of 62F and light and variable winds. Monday night will have a mostly clear sky with a low near 35F and light and variable winds. Tuesday will be sunny with a high of 64F and winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Tuesday night will have clear skies with a low of 37F and light and variable winds. Wednesday will have mostly sunny skies with a high of 62F and light and variable winds. Wednesday night will be partly cloudy with a low of 37F and light and variable winds....


There are some interesting astronomical events happening this week. On Monday, the asteroid 319 Leona will pass in front of the supergiant star Betelgeuse. This will only be visible to observers along a narrow path running across central Asia, the Caspian Sea, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, the Atlantic Ocean, southern Florida, and Mexico.

On Tuesday, with a telescope, you can try to spot the dwarf galaxy IC 10, which is a member of the Milky Way's Local Group of galaxies. IC 10 is located near the bright end of Cassiopeia and is usually dimmed by the Milky Way's interstellar dust.

The Geminid meteor shower is also happening this week, with the peak expected late on Wednesday night. You can expect to see more meteors as the night grows later and the shower's radiant rises...


The Christmas tree is a beloved symbol of the holiday season that can be found in homes, advertisements, and decorations worldwide. But have you ever stopped to wonder why we decorate trees for Christmas? While the evergreen tree wasn't associated with Christmas until 1605, the significance of evergreens dates back much further. For example, the ancient worship of the sun god Mithras often included evergreen trees, and Northern Europeans believed that evergreens were especially important around the winter solstice. In the 14th and 15th centuries, pine trees began to be used in "miracle plays" performed at Christmas time across Europe, and the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree spread from there....


As the Christmas holiday season approaches, the Nativity story continues to captivate and inspire people of all ages. This timeless tale of hope, faith, and the miraculous birth of a child in Bethlehem holds deep symbolism and meaning that transcends generations. From the iconic imagery of the manger scene to the central role of angels and the significance of the Star of Bethlehem, the Nativity story offers a profound message of humility, divine love, and the transformative power of faith. It reminds us to embrace simplicity, find joy in the humblest of circumstances, and seek truth and purpose in our lives. May this cherished tradition continue to inspire acts of compassion, kindness, and goodwill, reflecting the universal desire for peace and unity....


This November, skygazers can look forward to three exciting astronomical events – a historic meteor shower, the final full moon of fall, and a planetary encounter offering stunning views of Jupiter.

As the colder air sets in across North America during November, it will be a good idea to bundle up to enjoy the sights of the cosmos. However, the longer nights will give everyone more time to spot stars, planets, and meteors after nightfall.

The top three astronomy events for November include Jupiter Opposition, the Leonid Meteor Shower, and the Full Beaver Moon.

On November 3, Jupiter will reach opposition, the best time of year to spot the planet in the night sky. The planet will shine brighter than many stars and other planets, and you don’t need a telescope to view...


The weather forecast for the upcoming days is as follows:

Saturday will start cloudy but become partly cloudy, with a slight chance of rain showers later in the day. The high temperature will be about 75F, with winds from the south blowing at 5 to 10 mph.

Saturday night will be cloudy with a low of 58F. Expect winds from the south at 5 to 10 mph.

Sunday will be mostly cloudy, with a high temperature of 73F. Winds will blow from the south-southwest at 5 to 10 mph.

Sunday night will be cloudy, with a low temperature of approximately 55F. There will be light and variable winds.

Monday will be mostly cloudy, with a high temperature of 68F. Look for winds from the south-southwest at 5 to 10 mph.

Monday night will be partly cloudy, with a low temperature...


Are you a stargazer or an astronomy enthusiast? If so, here’s something that might excite you. Jupiter is about to reach opposition, which is when it appears opposite of the sun from the perspective of the Earth. This happens about once every 13 months, and this year, it’s taking place on Friday, Nov. 3. During this time, Jupiter is closest to the Earth, which means it appears brighter than any other time of the year and is visible in the sky all night long. No telescope is needed to spot the gas giant as it will outshine nearly all of the stars and other planets in the sky. However, having a telescope or a pair of binoculars will give you a better view of the event. With a telescope, you can even see Jupiter’s four largest moons: Europa, Callisto, Io, and Ganymede. So, dust off your...


Are you interested in stargazing this week? If so, here are some things you should check out:

– On Friday, November 3, look for a bright Altair in the southwest soon after dark. You can also spot two little constellations above Altair called Delphinus and Sagitta by using binoculars.

– Early in the morning on Friday and Saturday, November 3 and 4, you can see the waning Moon shining high with the head stars of Gemini.

– Algol will be at its minimum brightness for a couple of hours, centered at 7:01 p.m. EDT on Saturday, November 4.

– Capella shines in the northeast after dark on Sunday, November 5. The Pleiades and Aldebaran are also visible in the same direction.

– Look for Perseus in the northeast sky this month. M34 is a lovely cluster in this area, and...


The other day, I went to the zoo and saw some bears feasting on pumpkins! It was such a unique sight to see. The bears had a great time, chomping away at the pumpkins with their sharp teeth. I couldn’t help but snap a few photos to show my friends. It’s always interesting to see how different animals at the zoo interact with their food. I’m glad the bears were able to enjoy such a festive treat.


The recent reopening of the national park has made it even more intriguing and mysterious. The Badwater Basin, typically a flat and dry area, is now home to a temporary lake that has sprung up after a long time. The Mesquite Flat dunes now have puddles and ponds, while Mosaic and Golden canyons have been reshaped by the floodwaters that surged in August. The park has more greenery than usual, with wildflowers blooming out of season.

It is still being determined how long the lake will last, and some of the park’s roads and other areas still need to be closed. However, visitors who were fortunate enough to be there in recent days have been treated to a host of striking spectacles. They have also faced some challenges, such as the high gas prices at Furnace Creek.

The park’s...


Halloween, also known as Samhain, is a time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is believed to be at its thinnest. It is a time for honoring the dead and marking the beginning of the “dark half” of the year. Halloween is celebrated annually on October 31st, and it is a time when children and adults dress up in costumes as ghosts, witches, and other spooky figures. Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic harvest festivals of pre-Christian Europe. Samhain was originally a Gaelic festival that marked the change of seasons and the approach of winter. It was a time when people believed that spirits or fairies were more likely to pass into our world, and dead and departed relatives played a central role in the tradition. Halloween has undergone many transformations...


Trick-or-treaters across the US may need to prepare for different weather conditions this Halloween. In the Northeast, there may be damp, chilly conditions due to a cold front passing through the region, and some areas may even see the first snow flurries of the season. Meanwhile, the Southeast is expected to remain predominantly dry and warm, although some locations may see a decline in temperatures accompanying cloudier conditions from early to midweek. The northern Plains will experience bone-chilling cold, with temperatures ranging between 10 and 20 degrees below historical averages for late October. On the other hand, the Western states will generally trend cooler and drier, with a sweater needed for any residents of Casper, Wyoming, attending pumpkin-picking festivities or...


This is the weather forecast for the next week:

– Sunday: Sunny, high 71F, winds NNW at 10-15 mph.

– Sunday night: Clear skies, low 38F, light and variable winds.

– Monday: Mainly sunny, high 69F, light and variable winds.

– Monday night: Mostly clear, low 38F, light and variable winds.

– Tuesday: Mainly sunny, high near 70F, light and variable winds.

– Tuesday night: Clear to partly cloudy, low around 40F, light and variable winds.

– Wednesday: Partly cloudy, high 69F, light and variable winds.

– Wednesday night: Few clouds, low 42F, light and variable winds.

– Thursday: Intervals of clouds and sunshine, high 68F, light and variable winds.

– Thursday night: Few clouds, low 47F, light and variable winds.

– Friday: Mostly...


Check out the sky this week for some fabulous views! On Sunday, October 29th, during twilight, look up to see Capella rising in the northeast and Vega sinking in the west-northwest. Algol in Perseus is a bit dimmer than usual late tonight.

As darkness falls on Monday, October 30th, you can spot Deneb and Vega high in the sky and Altair in the southwest. This is because the sun sets earlier, so you can see the stars too.

On Tuesday, October 31st, watch for the waning Halloween Moon rising in the northeast after sunset. Jupiter, the brightest point in the evening sky, is located four fists to the Moon’s upper right.

Wednesday, November 1st, you can find Vega, the brightest star high in the west, and Eltanin, the nose of Draco the Dragon, to its right.



Scorpio is the eighth sign in the zodiac and is associated with the constellation of Scorpius. It is a water sign along with Cancer and Pisces and is characterized as fixed and negative. Scorpio’s colors are deep red, maroon, black, and brown. In Greek mythology, Scorpio is represented as a scorpion. It is associated with the legend of Orion, who was stung to death by a scorpion, and with the story of Phaethon, who caused the horses of the Sun to bolt after being stung by a scorpion.


Here’s the weather forecast for Lodi:

– Sunday: In the morning, light rain will accompany cloudy skies. However, the skies will clear up in the afternoon, and you can expect to see clear blue skies with plenty of sunshine. The high temperature for the day will be around 72F, and there will be a 40% chance of rain.

– Monday: The day will be bright and sunny, with the high temperature reaching near 80F. However, the winds from the north-northwest will be blowing at 10 to 20 mph, making it feel cooler than it is.

– Tuesday: It will be another sunny day, with the high temperature reaching 79F. The skies will be mostly clear, and the day will be perfect for outdoor activities.

– Wednesday: The day will be partly cloudy, with a high temperature of 76F. The winds will...


Fall is the perfect season for stargazing, and the Andromeda and Pegasus constellations are two of the most fascinating to observe. Pegasus, also known as “The Great Square,” can be seen at the zenith of the night sky during autumn. Andromeda is directly attached to one of the points of Pegasus’s square, and is renowned for M31, the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way. Perseus is another constellation that follows Cassiopeia across the sky, and is best seen in the northeastern autumn skies. Algol, a variable binary star, represents the Gorgon’s head, immortalizing Perseus’s triumph over Medusa. Finally, Auriga is located near Perseus and is home to several star clusters, including M36, M37, and M38. According to Greek Mythology, Auriga was the lame son of Hephaestus who tamed four...


The 2023 Fall Foliage Map helps plan trips to witness the changing colors of leaves during autumn. The Great Smoky Mountains draw thousands of visitors each year. Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color during spring and summer. Carotenoids and Anthocyanins contribute to the colors of leaves in autumn. Trees drop their leaves to prevent damage and death during winter. Fallen leaves create rich soil, which provides nutrients and water to trees and plants in spring.


Nature is giving us an extraordinary show this week! From October 22nd to 28th, the sky will be lit with incredible celestial events, leaving you in awe. On October 22nd, the Big Dipper will shine low in the north-northwest after dark. The farther south you are, the lower it will appear. Then, on October 23rd, the moon will be in one of its most entrancing telescopic phases, accompanied by Saturn with its dramatic rings and pinpoint telescopic moons.

On October 24th, you can witness bright Capella sparkling low in the northeast sky. It will be joined by the Pleiades cluster about three fists at arm’s length to its right. These harbingers of the cold months will rise higher as the evening grows late. And on October 25th, Arcturus will become “the Ghost of Summer Suns,” closely...


The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio is a prehistoric effigy mound that is 1,300 feet long and 3 feet high, making it the world’s largest surviving prehistoric effigy mound. It is situated on a plateau of a crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The mound has been controversial and mysterious for over a century. Despite extensive research, there has yet to be conclusive evidence of what it represents, when it was built, or its true purpose. However, it is believed that the Serpent Mound may have functioned as a type of calendar, as its various astronomical alignments suggest. Various interpretations of the Serpent Mound have been proposed, including that it represents a giant snake, moon phases, an eclipse, or the myth of the horned serpent found in many Native American...


The weather forecast for the next week is as follows:

Sunday will have partly cloudy skies with a high of 82F, and winds will be light and variable. It will be partly cloudy at night with a low of 54F and light and variable winds.

Monday will have sunshine and clouds mixed with a high of 82F, and winds will be SSW at 5 to 10 mph. It will be partly cloudy at night with a low of 59F, and winds will be S at 5 to 10 mph.

Tuesday will have some clouds in the morning, giving way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. The high temperature will be 81F, and winds will be WNW at 5 to 10 mph. At night, the skies will be clear with a low of around 55F and light and variable winds.

Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 84F, and winds will be W at 5 to 10 mph. It...


October nights offer a variety of astronomical events to observe. On October 14, an annular eclipse of the sun will be visible from Oregon, northern Nevada, Utah, and other areas. On October 21, there will be a first-quarter moon and the Orionid meteor shower. Vega, Altair, Tarazed, Deneb, and Capricornus are all visible throughout the month. The Great Square of Pegasus can be seen on October 16 and 19. Bright Capella and the Pleiades cluster are visible on October 17. The dim Little Dipper and Cassiopeia can be seen on October 18. The Big Dipper can be seen low in the north-northwest after dark.


Are you excited about the upcoming solar eclipses in North America? The October 2023 and April 2024 eclipses are anticipated to thrill millions of people, and I have created a series of maps to enlighten and inspire viewers about these fantastic events. The annular solar eclipse on October 14, 2023, will be seen from Oregon to Texas, while the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, will be seen from Mazatlán, Mexico, to Newfoundland, Canada. Inside the path of annularity, the Sun will appear behind the dark Moon as a brilliant thin ring, while a total solar eclipse is the most beautiful spectacle you will ever see in the sky.

Using ArcGIS software, I calculated that 6.6 million people live inside the path of the annular solar eclipse, and 31.6 million people live inside the path...


On Saturday, the weather forecast predicts mainly sunny skies with a high of 94F and light and variable winds. Saturday night will be clear with a low near 60F and light and variable winds. Sunday will bring sunny skies with a high of 92F and winds from the SW at 5 to 10 mph. Sunday night’s forecast calls for mostly clear skies with a low of 57F and winds from the S at 5 to 10 mph. Monday will start with a mix of clouds and sun before becoming cloudy later in the day. Highs will reach 76F with winds from the SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Monday night, expect cloudy skies with occasional rain showers. Lows will be around 61F with winds from the S at 5 to 10 mph and a 50% chance of rain. On Tuesday, morning showers will be followed by clearing skies and ample sunshine in the afternoon. Highs will...


On Friday, October 6, stargazers can observe Arcturus shining in the west as twilight fades away, while Capella rises in the north-northeast. Later in the evening, both stars will shine at the same height, depending on the observer’s latitude and longitude. Turning around and looking low in the south-southeast, one can spot the 1st-magnitude Fomalhaut at about the same height. Jupiter can also be seen as a bright light more than a third of the way from Capella to Fomalhaut, while Saturn glows pale yellow and steady above Fomalhaut. In the early morning hours of Saturday, October 7, the waning Moon highlights Gemini’s Castor and Pollux. On Sunday, October 8, Cygnus the Swan with Deneb as its tail floats straight overhead after nightfall, while the Great Square of Pegasus balances on its...


The Stone of Destiny, also known as the Stone of Scone, has been a significant object in Scotland for centuries. It was used to crown kings and queens and was believed to have been Jacob’s pillow from the Genesis story. The stone was also used to crown the High Kings of Ireland before being claimed by the English monarchy in 1296. It has been kept at Westminster Abbey for over 700 years and was recently returned to Scotland. However, the stone will soon be taken to England for the coronation of King Charles III. Some rumors suggest that the original stone may have been replaced with a fake, raising questions about its origins. For more information, please visit


Sunday will be a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine and a high of 77F. The winds will be light from the north-northwest at around 5 to 10 mph. Sunday night will be clear with a low of 51F and light and variable winds. Moving on to Monday, we expect mostly sunny skies with a high of 81F and light and variable winds. Monday night will be clear with a low of 52F and light and variable winds. Tuesday will be mainly sunny with a high near 85F and light and variable winds. Tuesday night will be clear with a low of around 55F and light and variable winds. Wednesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 88F and light and variable winds. Wednesday night will be clear with a low of 57F and light and variable winds. Thursday will be sunny with a high of 88F and light and variable winds. Thursday...


On Friday, September 29th, Cassiopeia will be higher in the northeast than the Big Dipper in the northwest as evening approaches. Later in the evening, Cassiopeia’s W pattern will stand on end. Look above the Moon to try to spot the Great Square of Pegasus. On Saturday, September 30th, Vega will be the brightest star high in the west after nightfall, while Arcturus will get low in the west-northwest. Alphecca, Corona Borealis’ crown jewel, is the brightest star between them. On Sunday, October 1st, the waning gibbous Moon rises in the east-northeast around twilight’s end. Jupiter follows shortly afterward, appearing 2-3 degrees lower right from the Moon. On Monday, October 2nd, the Moon will be about 2 degrees from the Pleiades. On Tuesday, October 3rd, locate Eltanin, the nose of...


As autumn approaches, many wonder when cooler conditions will arrive in the US and if snowflakes will fall before Halloween. AccuWeather’s annual fall forecast, compiled by meteorologist Paul Pastelok and his team of long-range forecasters, reveals that El Niño will be a driving factor behind the weather patterns across the US this autumn. While summery weather will linger into the start of autumn for the Northeast and Midwest, there will be a “big transition” in the weather around the end of September across the Midwest and Northeast, bringing chillier air and thunderstorms. This change in pattern could also bring an early frost to parts of the Midwest by early October. The central US and Rocky Mountains are in for a major shakeup following a mild start to autumn, with temperatures...
