This week's night sky:
Sunday, May 19:
- By midnight, the Moon will be in Virgo, closer to Spica.
Monday, May 20:
- Spica will be on the upper right of the Moon.
- Look for the Arch of Spring in the western sky at late twilight.
Tuesday, May 21:
- Alpha Centauri will be visible in certain latitudes.
Wednesday, May 22:
- The Moon is ½ day before full and will be to the right of the three-star head of Scorpius.
Thursday, May 23:
- The full Moon will occult Antares, a double star.
Friday, May 24:
- Vega is in the east-northeast after dark.
- Altair is the third star of the Summer Triangle.
Saturday, May 25:
- Capella sets low in the northwest not long after dark.
- Look for the semicircular Corona Borealis between Arcturus and Vega.