Private High School Education & College Preparation


At Athena Preparatory, we not only teach our students the facts about history, but we provide an environment in which they can critically analyze opinions, different accounts of the same event, government and politics, and so much more. With interactive learning and open discussions, we are able to make history a fascinating study of the past while still remaining relevant to the present and looking to the future. All of our courses are designed to prepare our students for college studies and beyond, so they will be given the opportunity to take the AP exam for their given course at the end of the year. Contact us to learn more about why we are Lodi-Stockton’s favorite preparatory school, and enroll your student today.
We Are Proud To Offer Our High School Prep Students The Following Classes:
- Economics- AP exam may be taken at the end of the year.
- Geography- AP exam may be taken at the end of the year.
- Government- AP exam may be taken at the end of the year.
- History of Art- AP exam may be taken at the end of the year.
- US History- AP exam may be taken at the end of the year.
- World History
- History of America
- Civics and Economics
- Geography