The Night Sky for the Week of 7-14-24

On July 13, the first-quarter Moon will make the bright star Spica disappear and reappear across North and Central America. Comet 13P/Olbers is also visible in binoculars during late twilight.

On July 14, there will be a conjunction between Uranus and Mars. On July 15, Uranus will be visible just north of Mars before sunrise. On July 16, the Moon will be low in the southwestern sky after dark. Later in the week, the bright star Arcturus will be visible in the evening sky. On July 18, look for the star Rasalhague. On July 19 and 20, the Moon will be almost full and then completely full. On July 21, the Moon will form a line with the stars Altair and Vega, and the star Tarazed will be visible just above Altair.