Age of Pisces

The Age of Pisces lasted from around 100 BC to 2100 AD, during which the Sun was in the constellation of Pisces on the spring equinox. This age corresponds to the Water element, known for its compassion, intuition, and sensitivity, which are more pronounced than in the previous two ages. Pisces is also associated with selflessness and imagination, but can also lead to idealism, oversensitivity, laziness, and pessimism.

During this age, we witnessed the expansion of monastic traditions in both Buddhism and Christianity, which led to the emergence of the Renaissance civilization. The Age of Pisces also saw religions becoming more global, driven by the advent of books and advancements in transportation.

Religious wars and conflicts were also prevalent during this age, as the principles of different religions often contradicted each other. However, during rare periods of cultural exchange, we saw a golden age of exchange, such as what happened in Spain between the 10th and 12th centuries.

The Age of Pisces also saw the breaking away of spiritual traditions from religions, as people sought a direct and internal way of connecting to the divine. The Kabbalah in Judaism and Sufi Orders in Islam ran parallel to their mainstream counterparts, emphasizing the importance of inner work and rejecting their respective religions' rigid and extremist aspects.

While the Age of Pisces was characterized by compassion, love, and intuition, it also saw negative expressions of religious emotion, such as religious wars, persecutions, and attacks on other religious groups. The transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, characterized by reason and individualism, has already started and is gaining momentum with further technological advancements.