The Night Sky for the Week of 1-7-24

There are some interesting celestial events happening this week. For instance, the moonless evenings this week are perfect for exploring telescopic sights in Eridanus west of Orion. On Monday morning, the waning crescent Moon will occult 1st-magnitude Antares low in the southeast during darkness or dawn for the western U.S. and Canada. Also, try tracing out the winter Milky Way arching across the sky in the early evening, extending up from the west-northwest horizon along the vertical Northern Cross of Cygnus and on down toward the east-southeast horizon between Procyon and Sirius. On Tuesday after dinnertime, the enormous Andromeda-Pegasus complex runs from near the zenith down toward the western horizon. The rest of the week offers opportunities to observe Vega, Orion, and the Big and Little Dippers.