The Night Sky for the Week of 12-31-23

A few interesting astronomical events are happening in the next few days. On Sunday, December 31st, after the New Year's celebrations, you can step outside and see the waning gibbous Moon and the Sickle of Leo floating above it. Sirius, the bottom star of the Winter Triangle, will be shining in the south. On Monday, January 1st, you can trace out the winter Milky Way if your sky is reasonably dark. On Tuesday, January 2nd, you can see the Andromeda-Pegasus complex in the sky after dinnertime. On Wednesday, January 3rd, you can observe the Quadrantid meteor shower. On Thursday, January 4th, Orion will be visible in the east-southeast after dinnertime. On Friday, January 5th, Sirius will rise around the end of twilight. Finally, on Saturday, January 6th, there will be a lot of activity among Jupiter's moons, with four pairs of events scheduled to happen. Happy New Year's 2024!