The Night Sky for the Week of 6-23-24

On Sunday, June 23, look west after twilight to find Leo the Lion's brightest star, Regulus. On Monday, June 24, observe orange Antares in the south after dark. Tuesday, June 25, observe Arcturus and Vega overhead after dark. On Wednesday, June 26, watch Saturn and the waning gibbous Moon rise around midnight. On Thursday, June 27, notice star colors in late twilight using binoculars. On Friday, June 28, notice the Summer Triangle and the Milky Way. On Saturday, June 29, observe the Big Dipper in the northwest after nightfall and the Little Dipper near Polaris.


It looks like a great opportunity to observe Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, the Waning Moon, Neptune, and Saturn in the early morning sky on June 29, 2024. It's exciting to have the chance to see these celestial objects. Thank you for sharing this fascinating event!